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Obfuscation of NoC Fabrics


[June 2023] Paper by Dipal Halder and Maneesh Merugu on obfuscation of NoC fabrics, in collaboration with Intel, has been accepted at CASES 2023. Congratulations Dipal and Maneesh!

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Welcome Godstime Kemele


[May 2023] RISING Lab welcomes new PhD student Godstime Kemele. All the best Godstime!

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Automated evaluation of automotive security resiliency


[June 2022] Our paper on automated evaluation of automotive security resiliency, co-authored by Srivalli Boddupalli and Venkata Sai Gireesh Chamarthi and in collaboration with Chung-Wei Lin has been accepted to appear at ITSC 2021. Congratulations Srivalli and Gireesh!

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Honorable Mention at the 2022 CPS IoT Design Competition


[May 2022] RISING Lab Team with Bhagawat Yedla, Rafiul Kabir, Darshith Prakash, Venkata Sai Gireesh Chamarthi received Honorable Mention at the 2022 CPS IoT Design Competition in the Demo category for the AutoHAL platform. See here. Congratulations to the team!

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Security validation of NoC-based SoC designs


[May 2022] Paper on security validation of NoC-based SoC designs, in collaboration with Prof. Kanad Basu and his students at UT Dallas and with contribution from Kshitij Raj, has been accepted at IEEE TCAD. Congratulations to Kshitij and our UTD collaborators!

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Tashfia Alam


[April 2022] Tashfia Alam successfully defended her PhD proposal and advanced to PhD candidacy. Congratulations Tashfia!

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Anomaly detection in lane changing behavior


[April 2022] Our collaborative work with Dr. Chung-Wei Lin and his students at NTU on anomaly detection in lane changing behavior, with involvement of Srivalli Boddupalli from the lab, has been accepted at Intelligent Vehicle Symposium. Congratulations to Srivalli and NTU collaborators!

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AISS Project


[March 2022] Our AISS Project received some press at HWCOE. See here. This is collaborative work with Swarup Bhunia and his students/post-docs. Congratulations to RISING Lab Members Kshitij Raj, Dipal Halder, and Atul Prasad Deb Nath, as well as partners from Prof. Bhunia’s lab!

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Welcome Kelsey Horace-Herron


[March 2022] RISING Lab welcomes PhD student Kelsey Horace-Herron. Good luck Kelsey!

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[February 2022] Jiaqi Zhang and Xiangru Chen’s work on AINNS has been accepted at IEEE TC. Congratulations Jiaqi and Xiangru!

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Resiliency in Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control


[January 2022] Srivalli Boddupalli and Akash Someshwar Rao’s work on resiliency in Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control against communication attacks has been accepted at IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. This paper provides one of the first instances of real-time resiliency in connected vehicle applications against attacks on perception, and also includes to our knowledge the […]

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Automated SoC synthesis


[December 2021] Paper on Automated SoC synthesis (aka “SoCCom”), coauthored by Atul Prasad Deb Nath and Kshitij Raj, has been accepted at IEEE TVLSI. Congratulations Atul and Kshitij!

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[November 2021] Xiangru Chen and Jiaqi Zhang’s work on Dandelion to address the critical problem of scarce data in ML has been accepted at IEEE TC. Congratulations Xiangru and Jiaqi!

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[November 2021] Jiaqi Zhang and Xiangru Chen’s work on GCONV Chain has been accepted at IEEE TC. Congratulations Jiaqi and Xiangru!

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AutoHAL automotive security exploration platform


[October 2021] Paper on AutoHAL automotive security exploration platform, coauthored by Bhagawat Yedla, Rafiul Kabir, Neha Mishra, and Srivalli Boddupalli, has been accepted at ICCE 2022. Congratulations Bhagawat, Rafiul, Neha, and Srivalli!

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SSEL Security Specification Language


[October 2021] Paper on SSEL Security Specification Language, coauthored by Kshitij Raj, Arrush Hegde, and Atul Prasad Deb Nath, has been accepted at AsianHOST 2021. Congratulations All!

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Secure System-on-Chip designs through open source components


[September 2021] Our research grant with Northrop Grumman on developing secure System-on-Chip designs through open source components was highlighted in the HWCOE September 2021 Newsletter. This is a highly promising direction that can change how we develop microelectronics systems.

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Concolic testing for firmware binaries


[September 2021] Tashfia Alam’s work on concolic testing for firmware binaries has been accepted at ASP-DAC 2022. This is collaborative work with Intel. Congratulations Tashfia! Preprints of the papers will be available from our Publications page.

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Automotive Traction Control Using ViVE


[September 2021] Rafiul Kabir’s paper on automotive traction control case study using ViVE has been accepted at ARTS 2021. Congratulations Rafiul! Preprints of the papers will be available from our Publications page.

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DNN acceleration


[August 2021] Jiaqi Zhang and Xiangru Chen’s paper on DNN acceleration has been accepted at ICCD 2021. Congratulations Jiaqi and Xiangru! Preprints of the papers will be available from our Publications page.

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RISING Lab welcomes three new PhD students


[August 2021] RISING Lab welcomes three new PhD students: Chengwei (Derek) Duan, Dipal Haldar, and Sumaiya Afroz Mila. Good luck all! The People page has details of all current and former lab members.

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Neha Mishra


[July 2021] Neha Mishra successfully defended her M.S. thesis. Congratulations Neha!

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Three Papers Accepted to Appear at ITSC 2021


[June 2021] Three papers from our automotive research have been accepted to appear at ITSC 2021: (1) Srivalli and Ashwini’s work on resilient platooning; (2) Rafiul and Neha’s work on simulation of automotive electronics; and (3) our collaborative work with Dr. Chung-Wei Lin and his students at NTU on anomaly detection in Cooperative Adaptive Cruise […]

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Srivalli Boddupalli


[June 2021] Srivalli Boddupalli successfully defended her PhD proposal and advanced to PhD candidacy. Congratulations Srivalli!

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