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For REU Site Applicants

We are proud to host an REU site on Secure, Accessible, and Sustainable Transportation. The site is funded by the  National Science Foundation and supports talented undergraduate students each summer to perform high-impact research on this topic. Candidates accepted for the site receive a stipend, as well as support to cover cost of travel, lodging, and meals. Please visit REU Site Home Page for additional information.


Welcome to the Reliable, Intelligent, Secure Internet-of-thINGs (RISING) Laboratory. The RISING Lab was established in 2018 and is part of the Warren B. Nelms Institute for the Connected World and the ECE Department at the University of Florida. The research in RISING is directed by Dr. Sandip Ray. Our research focuses on ensuring reliability, security, correctness, and resiliency in next-generation connected computing systems and applications, where the term “computing systems” is broadly defined to include systems that contain substantial electronics and software. For a gentle introduction to our lab, please see our virtual lab tour.

The RISING Lab has recently taken the small first step towards social media presence. Please visit our LinkedIn page and Youtube channel where regular updates are being posted.

Our research brings in techniques from synthesis, architecture, machine learning, security, prototyping, and verification. Over the years, we have introduced new algorithms, tools, techniques, and applications that cross-cut a number of currently disparate areas in Computer Science, Engineering, and Cyberphysical Systems. Our research has sometimes raised and addressed fundamental questions in Computer Science, Logic, and Mathematics. For details of ongoing research projects, check out our Research and Publications pages.

Joining the Lab

Please read Note to Students and Post-docs (below) before applying for any position in the RISING Lab. We sometimes list funded RA positions for specific topics, with immediate needs. Irrespective of specifically listed open positions, we are always looking for new Ph.D. students with strong interest in IoT and machine learning applications to address a variety of problems with high social and global impact, including healthcare, environment, and critical infrastructure.

  • Two Funded RA positions are available for domestic students. The research entails security validation and assessment of emergent microelectronics systems. The candidates should have experience in Machine Learning, Formal Methods, and/or FPGA, and ability to program in C/C++.


The RISING lab tolerates no discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, gender, or religion in any aspect of our professional or other interactions, and strives to provide a safe environment for all members to freely share concerns or questions without fear of judgment.

Note to Prospective Students and Post-docs

Our lab is always looking to work with talented, motivated, and hard-working students and Post-docs. If you are interested in working in our lab, please send an email to with a copy of your CV and explaining the specific aspects of our research that are of interest to you. However, please keep the following in mind when contacting:

  • Our lab focuses on correctness, safety, security, and reliability of a variety of connected computing systems and applications. Please look at the current and past projects. Please do not apply if your interest does not fit with the vision of the lab. You can get a flavor of the research conducted in our lab from our Research and Publications pages.
  • Please be honest about your background and interests. For most Ph.D. applicants, I will be typically overlook minor deficiencies in background/expertise if (1) you are honest about it, (2) you are willing/able to work hard to quickly make up for any background deficiency, (3) most importantly, you have a strong interest/passion in a specific area. (One exception to this is open positions requiring a specific background as explained below.)
  • If you are applying in response to an open position announced above with specific experience/expertise requirement, please do not apply if you do not have the requisite expertise. Your email should explain your expertise.
  • I view a Post-doctoral position as a stepping stone towards developing your own research program, not a continuation/extension of your Ph.D. Your email should explain a research vision, career goals, and what you wish to achieve during Post-doc.