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Food donation streamlining through mobile applications


[October 2020] Divy Chhibber and Aditi Tripathi’s work on food donation streamlining through mobile applications and cloud-based supply chain management has been accepted for publication at ICCE 2021. Congratulations Divy and Aditi! A preprint of the paper is available from the Publications page.

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Srivalli Boddupalli featured in the Nelms Spring 2020 newsletter


[May 2020] Srivalli Boddupalli has been featured in the Nelms Spring 2020 newsletter. See here. Congratulations Srivalli!

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Kshitij Raj


[March 2020] Kshitij Raj successfully defended his M.S. thesis. Congratulations Kshitij!

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Akash Someshwar Rao


[February 2020] Akash Someshwar Rao successfully defended his M.S. thesis and became the first M.S. graduate from the RISING Lab. Congratulations Akash, and all the best for the next phases of your careeer!

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Welcome Rafiul Kabir!


[January 2020] RISING Lab welcomes new PhD student Rafiul Kabir. Good luck Rafiul! The People page has details.

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Paper Published by IEEE Design & Test


[December 2019] Our perspective paper (coauthored by Sandip and Srivalli Boddupalli) with our collaborators at University of California Irvine has been published at IEEE Design & Test. The paper provides an authoritative overview of automotive security as of its writing. The Publications page has details.

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Resilient connected vehicle applications


[December 2019] Srivalli Boddupalli’s poster on resilient connected vehicle applications received 1st place (among 71 posters) in Warren B. Nelms Annual Conference 2019. Congratulations Srivalli!

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Resilient Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control


[December 2019] Srivalli Boddupalli’s demo on resilient Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control received 3rd place (among 24 demos) in Warren B. Nelms Annual Conference 2019. Congratulations Srivalli!

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RISING Lab welcomes two new PhD students


[August 2019] RISING Lab welcomes two new PhD students, Aditi Tripathi and Tashfia Alam. Good luck Aditi and Tashfia! The People page has details.

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Srivalli Boddupalli


[August 2018] Srivalli Boddupalli joins RISING Lab as the first new PhD student after the lab has been established. Good luck Srivalli!

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ViVE Virtual Prototyping platform


[April 2023] Paper by Rafiul Kabir and Bhagawat Yedla on the ViVE VIrtual Prototyping platform has been accepted at IEEE IoT journal. Congratulations Rafiul and Bhagawat!

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Exploration platform for security of V2X communications


[April 2023] Paper by Darshith Prakash, Bhagawat Yedla, and Srivalli Boddupalli exploration platform for security of V2X communications has been accepted at VTC 2023. Congratulations Darshith, Bhagawat, and Srivalli!

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